Scott as colleague and friend

by Betsy Danforth

Scott first contacted the MSU Women’s Center about 12 years ago to see if we would be interested in hosting a presentation by a Colombian woman who represented a group of activists from a village called Arauca. Indeed we were interested!  This event began a long relationship with one of the most gentle, selfless and dedicated human beings I have ever met in the fight for social justice, human rights, and equality.  Scott and Yaneth stayed at our house (a tradition that lasted for years with a variety of speakers), and their joint presentation (with Scott serving as the most patient and precise translator ever!) began an annual series of lectures about the situation in Colombia, women’s and community activism, and the many struggles that average citizens faced in a time of endless wars.  Later, when Scott took his position with Global Ministries on the Mexican/U.S. border, he continued his visits to MSU to inform the students about what was happening along the border.  I enjoyed Scott’s visits as much as the presentations, and I treasured what developed into a friendship.  When I heard of his struggle with depression, I was deeply saddened to think that he suffered while he helped SO MANY people avoid or deal with their own suffering.  Scott was blessed with a soul deeper than the vast majority of us, as well as selfless dedication, patience and an enormous sense of what was right and good.  If there is a Heaven, Scott is most certainly there!

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